Module with data generators.
Data generators implemented in NumPy.
- mokka.utils.generators.numpy.generate_BPSK(N, P_in_dbm)
Generate BPSK symbols with a given power.
- Parameters:
N – Number of BPSK symbols to generate
P_in_dbm – signal power [dBm]
- Returns:
(pseudo-)randomly generated array of BPSK symbols
- mokka.utils.generators.numpy.generate_all_bits(m)
Generate all possible bitstrings of length m.
- Parameters:
m – length of the bitstring
- Returns:
array with all possible bitstrings.
- mokka.utils.generators.numpy.generate_bits(shape)
Generate uniform random bits.
- Parameters:
shape – tuple with resulting shape
- Returns:
array with uniform random bits in the requested shape
Module for data generators in PyTorch.
- mokka.utils.generators.torch.generate_bits(shape)
Generate uniform random bits.
- Parameters:
shape – tuple with resulting shape
- Returns:
array with uniform random bits in the requested shape