Module implementing mapping and demapping.
NumPy implementation of Mappers and Demappers.
- class mokka.mapping.numpy.QAM(m)
Arbitrarily sized QAM constellation with gray mapping.
- Parameters:
m – Information per symbol [bit/symbol]
- __init__(m)
Construct QAM class.
- get_constellation()
Return all constellation symbols.
The index represents the integer representation of the encoded bit-string (LSB first).
- Returns:
all constellation symbols
- map(bits)
Perform mapping of bitstrings.
- Returns:
complex symbol per bitstring of length self.m
PyTorch implementation of Mappers and Demappers.
- class mokka.mapping.torch.ClassicalDemapper(noise_sigma, constellation, optimize=False, bitwise=True, p_symbols=None)
Classical Bitwise Soft Demapper with Gaussian Noise assumption.
It takes the noise_sigma and constellation sorted from [0,2**m -1] and constructs an more or less efficient demapper which outputs LLRS for all m bits for each received symbol
- Parameters:
noise_sigma – $\sigma$ for the Gaussian assumption
constellation – PyTorch tensor of complex constellation symbols
optimize – Use $\sigma$ as trainable paramater
bitwise – Perform demapping bitwise returning LLRs
p_symbols – PyTorch tensor with symbol probabilities
- __init__(noise_sigma, constellation, optimize=False, bitwise=True, p_symbols=None)
Construct ClassicalDemapper.
- forward(y, *args)
Perform bitwise demapping of complex symbols.
- Params y:
Received complex symbols of dimension batch_size x 1
- Returns:
log likelihood ratios
- forward_bitwise(dist)
Perform bitwise demapping of complex symbols.
- Params y:
Received complex symbols of dimension batch_size x 1
- Returns:
log likelihood ratios
- forward_symbolwise(dist, *args)
Perform symbolwise soft demapping of complex symbols.
- Params y:
Received complex symbols
- Returns:
q-values for each constellation symbol
- update_constellation(constellation)
Update saved constellation.
- class mokka.mapping.torch.ConstellationDemapper(m, depth=3, width=128, with_logit=True, bitwise=True, demod_extra_params=None)
Demap from a complex input with optional SNR to an output with m-Levels with trainable neural networks.
- Parameters:
m – Bits per symbol
- Params depth:
Number of hidden layers
- Params width:
Neurons per layer
- Params with_logit:
Output LLRS and not bit probabilities
- Params bitwise:
Bitwise LLRs & probabilities
- __init__(m, depth=3, width=128, with_logit=True, bitwise=True, demod_extra_params=None)
Construct ConstellationDemapper.
- forward(y, *args)
Perform bitwise demapping of complex symbols.
- Returns:
Approximated log likelihood ratio of dimension self.m
- static load_model(model_dict, with_logit=True)
Load saved weights.
- Parameters:
model_dict – dictionary loaded with torch.load()
- class mokka.mapping.torch.ConstellationMapper(m, mod_extra_params=None, center_constellation=False, normalize=True, qam_init=False)
Mapper which maps from bits in float 0,1 representation to Symbols in the complex plane.
- Parameters:
m – bits per symbol
mod_extra_params – index of extra parameters to feed the NN
center_constellation – Apply operation at the end to center constellation
normalize – Apply normalization to unit energy
qam_init – Initialize the weights to form a Gray mapped QAM constellation
- __init__(m, mod_extra_params=None, center_constellation=False, normalize=True, qam_init=False)
Construct ConstellationMapper.
- forward(b, *args, one_hot=False)
Perform mapping of bitstrings.
By specifying one_hot=true symbol-wise geometric constellation shaping is possible calculating the loss w.r.t MI after demapping.
- Params b:
input to ConstellationMapper either bits or one-hot vectors
- Params one_hot:
specify if b is a one-hot vector
- Returns:
complex symbol per bitstring of length self.m
- get_constellation(*args)
Return constellation for all input bits.
- Params args:
same arguments as for forward() if constellation mapper is parametrized
- Returns:
tensor of constellation points
- static load_model(model_dict)
Load saved weights.
- Parameters:
model_dict – dictionary loaded with torch.load()
- class mokka.mapping.torch.CustomConstellationMapper(m, constellation_symbols)
Non-trainable custom constellation Mapper.
- __init__(m, constellation_symbols)
Construct CustomConstellationMapper.
- forward(b, *args)
Perform mapping of bitstrings.
- Returns:
complex symbol per bitstring of length self.m
- get_constellation(*args)
Return all constellation symbols.
- Returns:
all constellation symbols
- class mokka.mapping.torch.GaussianDemapper(constellation)
Classical Bitwise Soft Demapper with Gaussian Noise assumption.
Learns bias and covariance matrix of noise for constellation sorted from [0,2**m -1] and constructs a more or less efficient demapper which outputs LLRS for all m bits for each received symbol
- __init__(constellation)
Construct GaussianDemapper.
- forward(y, *args)
Perform bitwise demapping.
- Params y:
Received complex symbols of dimension batch_size x 1
- update_constellation(constellation)
Update saved constellation.
- Params constellation:
Complex constellation symbols
- warm_start(sym_idx, y, learning_fraction=0.3, single_circular=False)
Train covariance matrix with known symbols.
- Params sym_idx:
Sent symbol index
- Parameters:
y – Received complex symbols
learning_fraction – Learning rate
single_circular – Toggle if a a single sigma is learned for all symbols
- class mokka.mapping.torch.MBPCSSampler(constellation_symbols, pcs_extra_params, fixed_lambda=False, l_init=None)
This class is supposed to use NNs to find a lambda [0,1] for each given parameter (if given parameters) and then return p_symbols for further simulation.
- Params constellation_symbols:
Complex constellation symbols
- __init__(constellation_symbols, pcs_extra_params, fixed_lambda=False, l_init=None)
Construct MBPCSSampler.
- forward(batchsize, *args)
Generate symbol indices.
- Params batchsize:
Number of indices to generate
- lambda_mb(*args)
Return currently trained lambda.
- p_symbols(*args)
Return current probability distribution.
- mokka.mapping.torch.MB_dist(lmbd, symbols)
Calculate the Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution for a given constellation.
- Params lambda:
Lambda parameter of the Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution
- Params symbols:
Complex constellation symbols
- class mokka.mapping.torch.PCSSampler(m, l_init=None, symmetries=0, pcs_extra_params=None)
Sample symbol indices from a learnable discrete probability distribution.
- Params m:
bits per symbol
- Params l_init:
Initial values for the per-symbol logits
- Parameters:
symmetries – number of times the probabilty vector is repeated to obtain a probability distribution with uniform distribution for certain bits in the bitstring.
- __init__(m, l_init=None, symmetries=0, pcs_extra_params=None)
Construct PCSSampler.
- forward(batchsize, *args)
Generate symbol indices.
- Params batchsize:
Number of indices to generate
- p_symbols(*args)
Return current probability distribution.
- class mokka.mapping.torch.QAMConstellationMapper(m)
Non-trainable QAM constellation Mapper.
- __init__(m)
Construct QAMConstellationMapper.
- forward(b, *args)
Perform mapping of bitstrings.
- Returns:
complex symbol per bitstring of length self.m
- get_constellation(*args)
Return all constellation symbols.
- Returns:
all constellation symbols
- class mokka.mapping.torch.SeparatedConstellationMapper(m, m_real=None, m_imag=None, qam_init=False)
Model to map complex and imaginary parts separately in two PAM modulations and add them after modulation.
- Parameters:
m – bits per symbol
mod_extra_params – index of extra parameters to feed the NN
center_constellation – Apply operation at the end to center constellation
qam_init – Initialize the weights to form a Gray mapped QAM constellation
- __init__(m, m_real=None, m_imag=None, qam_init=False)
Construct SeparatedConstellationMapper.
- forward(b, *args)
Perform mapping of bitstrings.
- Returns:
complex symbol per bitstring of length self.m
- get_constellation(*args)
Return constellation for all input bits.
- Params args:
same arguments as for forward() if constellation mapper is parametrized
- Returns:
tensor of constellation points
- static load_model(model_dict)
Load saved weights.
- Parameters:
model_dict – dictionary loaded with torch.load()
- class mokka.mapping.torch.SeparatedSimpleDemapper(m, demapper_width, demod_extra_params=())
Simplified Demapper which approximates output LLRS of bits separated in real and imaginary parts.
Do simple function approximation with in -> Linear -> ReLU -> Linear -> out This should be easy to replicate in hardware with LUT
- __init__(m, demapper_width, demod_extra_params=())
Construct SeparatedSimpleDemapper.
- forward(y, *args)
Perform bitwise demapping of complex symbols.
- Returns:
Approximated log likelihood ratio of dimension self.m
- static load_model(model_dict, with_logit=True)
Load saved weights.
- Parameters:
model_dict – dictionary loaded with torch.load()
- class mokka.mapping.torch.SimpleConstellationMapper(m, qam_init=False)
Mapper which maps using a simple list of weights and a one-hot vector.
- Parameters:
m – bits per symbol
- __init__(m, qam_init=False)
Construct SimpleConstellationMapper.
- forward(b, *args)
Perform mapping of bits to symbols.
This mappper ignores all optional arguments as this Module is not parametrizable on call
- Params b:
PyTorch tensor with bit vectors
- Returns:
mapped constellation points
- get_constellation(*args)
Return constellation for all input bits.
- Params args:
same arguments as for forward() if constellation mapper is parametrized
- Returns:
tensor of constellation points
- static load_model(model_dict)
Load saved weights.
- Parameters:
model_dict – dictionary loaded with torch.load()