Operations for bit manipulation.
Module to implement bit operations in NumPy.
- mokka.utils.bitops.numpy.bits2idx(bits)
Convert bits in LSB-first to their integer representation.
- Parameters:
bits – Vectors of bits with the last dimension representing the size of words
- Returns:
Vector of integers
- mokka.utils.bitops.numpy.generate_all_input_bits(m)
Generate all \(2^m\) possible bitstrings.
- Parameters:
m – Length of the bitstring
- Returns:
Array with all possible bitstrings in LSB
- mokka.utils.bitops.numpy.gray(m)
Generate a sequence of bit strings with binary-reflected Gray coding.
- Parameters:
m – length of the bitstrings
- Returns:
Tuple of \(2^m\) Gray-encoded bitstrings
- mokka.utils.bitops.numpy.idx2bits(idxs, num_bits_per_symbol)
Convert integer representations of bit vectors to bits in LSB-first.
- Parameters:
idxs – Vector of indices
num_bits_per_symbol – size of the bit vectors
- Returns:
vector of bit vectors
Operations for bit manipulation in PyTorch.
- mokka.utils.bitops.torch.bits2idx(bits)
Convert bits to their integer representation.
- Parameters:
bits – Vectors of bits with the last dimension representing the size of words
- Returns:
Vector of integers
- mokka.utils.bitops.torch.bits_to_onehot(bits)
Convert bits to one hot vectors.
- Parameters:
bits – Vectors of bits with the last dimension representing the size of words
- Returns:
Vectors of one-hot vectors
- mokka.utils.bitops.torch.idx2bits(idxs, num_bits_per_symbol)
Convert integer representations of bit vectors back to bits.
- Parameters:
idxs – Vector of indices
num_bits_per_symbol – size of the bit vectors
- Returns:
vector of bit vectors
- mokka.utils.bitops.torch.onehot_to_idx(onehot)
Convert a one-hot vector to the corresponding index.
- Params onehot:
Input one-hot vectors
- Returns:
tensor of indices