
Module with channel model implementations.

Channels sub-module implemented within the PyTorch framework.

class mokka.channels.torch.ComplexAWGN(N_0=None)

Bases: Module

Complex AWGN channel defined with zero mean and variance N_0.

This converts to a setting of stddev sqrt(N_0/2) for real and imaginary parts of the distribution.

forward(x, N_0=None)

Apply Gaussian noise to a signal.

  • x – input signal to apply noise to.

  • N_0 – noise variance


input signal distorted with AWGN

class mokka.channels.torch.EDFAAmpDualPol(span_length: int, amp_gain: str, alphaa_db: tensor, alphab_db: tensor, amp_noise: bool, noise_figure: tensor, optical_carrier_frequency: float, bw: float, P_input_lin: float, padding: int)

Bases: Module

Implement Gaussian noise EDFA model for dual polarization fiberoptical simulation.

  • span_length – span_length

  • amp_gain – Which amplification gain model to use either ‘alpha_equalization’, ‘equal_power’

  • alphaa_db – power loss coeficient [dB/km] for eigenstate a

  • alphab_db – power loss coeficient [dB/km] for eigenstate b

  • amp_noise – Consider amplification noise

  • noise_figure – Amplifier noise figure in dB

  • optical_carrier_frequency – Optical carrier frequency (for PSD) [GHz]

  • bw – Bandwidth of baseband signal (for PSD)

  • P_input_lin – Input power

  • padding – Number of samples to ignore in the beginning and end

P_input_lin: float
alphaa_db: tensor
alphaa_lin: tensor
alphab_db: tensor
alphab_lin: tensor
amp_gain: str
amp_noise: bool
bw: float
forward(u1, u2, segment)

Amplify the signal according to the selected method after each span.

attention: the noise depends on the amplification. if \(\alpha = 0\), no noise is added.



co-polarized signal before the amplifier


cross-polarized signal before the amplifier

segment: array_like

segment number


signal : signal after the amplifier

noise_figure: tensor
optical_carrier_frequency: float
padding: int
span_length: int
class mokka.channels.torch.EDFAAmpSinglePol(span_length: int, amp_gain: str, alpha_db: tensor, amp_noise: bool, noise_figure: tensor, optical_carrier_frequency: float, bw: float, P_input_lin: float, padding: int)

Bases: Module

Gaussian noise model of an EDFA for single polarization fiberoptics.

  • span_length – span_length [km]

  • amp_gain – Either ‘alpha_equalization’ or ‘equal_power’

  • alpha_db – Attenuation of the fiber [dB/km]

  • amp_noise – Consider amplification noise [bool]

  • amp_gain – Which amplification gain model to use either ‘alpha_equalization’, ‘equal_power’

  • optical_carrier_frequency – Optical carrier frequency (for PSD) [GHz]

  • bw – Occupied bandwidth (for PSD) [Hz]

  • P_input_lin – Input power [W]

  • padding – Number of samples to ignore in the beginning and end

P_input_lin: float
alpha_db: tensor
alpha_lin: tensor
amp_gain: str
amp_noise: bool
bw: float
forward(signal, segment)

Amplify the signal according to the selected method after each span.

Attention: the noise depends on the amplification. if \(\alpha = 0\), no noise is added.



signal before the amplifier

segment: array_like

segment number


signal : signal after the amplifier

noise_figure: tensor
optical_carrier_frequency: float
padding: int
span_length: int
class mokka.channels.torch.OpticalNoise(dt: float, optical_carrier_wavelength: float, wavelength_bandwidth: float, OSNR: float)

Bases: Module

Zero mean additive Gaussian noise based on given OSNR defined over certain wavelength.

  • dt – Time step

  • optical_carrier_wavelength – Wavelength of optical carrier in nm

  • wavelength_bandwidth – Bandwidth in nm for which OSNR is given

  • OSNR – Optical SNR in dB

OSNR: float
dt: float

Apply optical noise realization on signal.


signal – input signal


noise impaired signal

optical_carrier_wavelength: float
wavelength_bandwidth: float
class mokka.channels.torch.PhasenoiseWiener(start_phase_width=6.283185307179586, start_phase_init=0)

Bases: Module

Wiener phase noise channel.

Forward call takes N0 for AWGN and sigma_phi for Wiener phase noise.

  • start_phase_width – upper bound for initialization with a uniform distribution.

  • start_phase_init – initial phase value at the start of the generation for each noise sequence.

apply(x, sigma_phi=None)

Apply only Wiener phase noise.


x: array_like

Input data

sigma_phi: float

phase noise variance

forward(x, N0=None, sigma_phi=None)

Apply Wiener phase noise to a complex signal.

  • x – ipnut signal to apply noise to

  • N0 – noise variance for Gaussian noise

  • sigma_phi – standard deviation of Wiener phase noise process


noise impaired signal

sample_noise(x, sigma_phi=None)

Sample one realization of phase noise.


x: array_like

Input data

sigma_phi: float

phase noise variance

class mokka.channels.torch.PolyPhaseChannelizer(coeff, n_down)

Bases: Module

Perform poly-phase channelization with variable filter coefficients.


Apply poly-phase channelization on a wideband signal.

class mokka.channels.torch.RamanAmpDualPol(amp_gain: str, alphaa_db: tensor, alphab_db: tensor, amp_noise: bool, noise_figure: tensor, optical_carrier_frequency: float, bw: float, P_input_lin: float, padding: int)

Bases: Module

Implement a Gaussian model of the Raman dual polarization amp.

  • amp_gain – Which amplification gain model to use either ‘alpha_equalization’, ‘equal_power’

  • alphaa_db – power loss coeficient [dB/km] for eigenstate a

  • alphab_db – power loss coeficient [dB/km] for eigenstate b

  • noise_figure – Amplifier noise figure in dB

  • optical_carrier_frequency – Optical carrier frequency (for PSD) [GHz]

  • bw – Bandwidth of baseband signal (for PSD)

  • P_input_lin – Input power

  • padding – Number of samples to ignore in the beginning and end

P_input_lin: float
alphaa_db: tensor
alphaa_lin: tensor
alphab_db: tensor
alphab_lin: tensor
amp_gain: str
amp_noise: bool
bw: float
forward(u1, u2, dz)

Amplify the signal according to the selected method after each span.

Attention: the noise depends on the amplification. if \(\alpha = 0\), no noise is added Parameters ———- signal : signal before the amplifier dz : step-size Returns ——- signal : signal after the amplifier

noise_figure: tensor
optical_carrier_frequency: float
padding: int
class mokka.channels.torch.ResidualPhaseNoise

Bases: Module

Residual phase noise implementation.

This implements residual phase noise modeled with a zero mean phase noise process.

forward(x, RPN)

Apply residual phase noise to signal.

  • x – complex input signal

  • RPN – phase noise variance per input symbol


x with phase noise

class mokka.channels.torch.SSFMPropagationDualPol(dt: tensor, dz: tensor, alphaa_db: tensor, alphab_db: tensor, betapa: tensor, betapb: tensor, gamma: tensor, length_span: tensor, num_span: tensor, delta_G: tensor = 0.001, maxiter: tensor = 4, psp: tensor = tensor([0, 0]), amp: object | None = None, solver_method: str = 'localerror')

Bases: Module

Coupled NLS fibre propagation (with SSFM).

This class is adapted from Code written by Dominik Rimpf published under the MIT license []

This class solves the coupled nonlinear Schrodinger equation for pulse propagation in an optical fiber using the split-step Fourier method. The implementation and name are based on

  • dt – time step between samples (sample time)

  • dz – propagation stepsize (delta z) of SSFM (segment length)

  • alphaa_db – power loss coeficient [dB/km] for eigenstate a

  • alphab_db – power loss coeficient [dB/km] for eigenstate b

  • betapa – dispersion polynomial coefficient vector for eigenstate a

  • betapb – dispersion polynomial coefficient vector for eigenstate b

  • gamma – nonlinearity coefficient

  • length_span – Length of span between amplifiers

  • num_span – Number of spans where num_span * length_span is full fiber channel length

  • delta_G – Goal local error (optional) (default 1e-3)

  • maxiter – Number of step-size iterations (optional) (default 4)

  • psp – Principal eigenstate of the fiber specified as a 2-vector containing the angles Psi and Chi (optional) (default [0,0])

  • solution_method – String that specifies which method to use when performing the split-step calculations. Supported methods elliptical and circular (optional) (default elliptical)

alphaa_db: tensor
alphaa_lin: tensor
alphab_db: tensor
alphab_lin: tensor
amp: object
betapa: tensor
betapb: tensor
delta_G: tensor
dt: tensor
dz: tensor
forward(ux, uy)

Compute the progpagation for the dual polarization signal through the fiber optical channel.

  • ux – input signal in x-polarization.

  • uy – input signal in y-polarization.


signal at the end of the fiber

gamma: tensor

Obtain linear operators for given step length.

length_span: tensor
maxiter: tensor
num_span: tensor
psp: tensor
solution_method = 'elliptical'
solver_method: str
class mokka.channels.torch.SSFMPropagationSinglePol(dt: tensor, dz: tensor, alphadb: tensor, betap: tensor, gamma: tensor, length_span: tensor, num_span: tensor, delta_G: tensor = 0.001, maxiter: tensor = 4, amp: object | None = None, solver_method: str = 'localerror')

Bases: Module

Non-linear fibre propagation (with SSFM).

This class is adapted from Code written by Dominik Rimpf published under the MIT license []

This class solves the nonlinear Schrodinger equation for pulse propagation in an optical fiber using the split-step Fourier method. The actual implementation is the local error method Sec II.E of Optimization of the Split-Step Fourier Method in Modeling Optical-Fiber Communications Systems

  • dt – time step between samples (sample time)

  • dz – propagation stepsize (delta z) of SSFM (segment length)

  • alphadb – power loss coeficient [dB/km]

  • beta2 – dispersion polynomial coefficient

  • gamma – nonlinearity coefficient

  • length_span – Length of span between amplifiers

  • num_span – Number of spans where num_span * length_span is full fiber channel length

  • delta_G – Goal local error

  • maxiter – Number of step-size iterations

alphadb: tensor
alphalin: tensor
amp: object
betap: tensor
delta_G: tensor
dt: tensor
dz: tensor

Compute the propagation through the configured fiber-optical channel.


u0 – input signal (array)


array signal at the end of the fiber

gamma: tensor

Calculate linear operators for given step length.

length_span: tensor
maxiter: tensor
num_span: tensor
solver_method: str
mokka.channels.torch.SSFM_halfstep_end(signal, linear_op)

Calculate the final halfstep of the single polarization SSFM.

mokka.channels.torch.SSFM_step(signal, linear_op, nonlinear_op)

Calculate single polarization SSFM step.

class mokka.channels.torch.WDMDemux(n_channels, spacing, sym_rate, sim_rate, used_channels, method='classical')

Bases: Module

WDM Demuxing for a configurable number of channels and system parameters.


Perform WDM Demuxing for each channel individually.


WDM Demux the wide-band signal.


Peform WDM Demuxing with the Polyphase Channelizer method.

class mokka.channels.torch.WDMMux(n_channels, spacing, samp_rate, sim_rate)

Bases: Module

Perform configurable muxing of baseband channels to simulate WDM.


Modulate the signals on WDM channels in the digital baseband.

mokka.channels.torch.symmetrical_SSFM_step(signal, half_linear_op, nonlinear_op)

Calculate symmetrical single polarization SSFM step.

mokka.channels.torch.symmetrical_SSPROPV_step(u1, u2, h11, h12, h21, h22, NOP)

Calculate symmetrical dual polarization SSFM step.