Module implementing phase synchronizers in PyTorch.
Submodule implementing methods for the blind phase search.
- class mokka.synchronizers.phase.torch.bps.BPS(Mtestangles, symbols, N, diff, temperature_per_epoch, no_sectors, avg_filter_type='tri', trainable=False)
The blind phase search algorithm (BPS).
This class implements the differentiable and non-differentiable versions of the BPS.
- __init__(Mtestangles, symbols, N, diff, temperature_per_epoch, no_sectors, avg_filter_type='tri', trainable=False)
Construct the BPS class.
- bps_torch(x)
Perform a blind phase search according to [1].
- xarray_like
input signal (single polarisation)
- Eoutarray_like
signal with compensated phase
- pharray_like
unwrapped angle from phase recovery
[1] Timo Pfau et al, Hardware-Efficient Coherent Digital Receiver Concept With Feedforward Carrier Recovery for M-QAM Constellations, Journal of Lightwave Technology 27, pp 989-999 (2009)
- forward(x, *args)
Perform blind phase search.
- Parameters:
x – received complex symbols
- Returns:
- property normalized_filter
Return normalized filter.
- Returns:
normalized filter taps
- select_angles_torch(angles, idx)
Perform selection on angles.
- Parameters:
angles – vector of angles
idx – vector of indices
- Returns:
selected angles
- set_constellation(constellation)
Set constellation points in blind phase equalizer.
- Parameters:
constellation – array of (complex) constellation points
- property temperature_per_epoch
Get temperature setting for differentiable BPS.
- Returns:
temperature value.
- train(mode)
Enable training.
- Parameters:
mode – if true enable training and differentiable mode.
- Returns:
the BPS in trainable mode
Module containing methods for cycle slip compensation.
- class mokka.synchronizers.phase.torch.cycleslip_comp.GenieCycleSlipComp(num_sectors=4, median_len=10)
Genie-aided cycle slip compensation with median filtering.
This class performs genie-aided cycle slip compensation while applying median filtering on the result. This allows to compensate cycle slips while leaving the white noise undisturbed.
Otherwise one might end up overcorrecting white noise and outpeform the Shannon limit.
- __init__(num_sectors=4, median_len=10)
Initialize the genie-aided cycle slip compensation.
- Parameters:
num_sectors – Number of sectors where cycle slip can occur
median_len – Length of the median filter to apply on the measure
- forward(rx_symbols, tx_symbols, measure_fcn)
Perform the cycle slip compensation.
- Parameters:
rx_symbols – Received symbols with cycle slips
tx_symbols – Sent symbols without noise and cycle slips
measure_fcn – Function handle which takes received symbols and sent symbols and returns a loss.
- Returns:
Compensated symbols
- mokka.synchronizers.phase.torch.cycleslip_comp.calculate_squared_distance_symbols(rx_symbols, tx_symbols)
Calculate the squared distance between complex symbols.
This module contains implementations of the Viterbi & Viterbi phase synchronizers.
- class mokka.synchronizers.phase.torch.vandv.ViterbiViterbi(window_length=50, symmetry=4, partition=0, partition_window=50, partition_activation='ReLU', partition_max_amp=1.5)
Implements the classical Viterbi & Viterbi phase sync.
If partition is set to a positive integer the algorithm is applied with partitioning based on the amplitudes.
- __init__(window_length=50, symmetry=4, partition=0, partition_window=50, partition_activation='ReLU', partition_max_amp=1.5)
Initialize Viterbi & Viterbi synchronizer.
- Parameters:
window_length – length of the window for averaging
symmetry – rotational symmetry of the constellation
partition – if partitioning should be used
partition_window – length of the window for partitioning
partition_activation – activation function for partitioning
partition_max_amp – maximum amplitude for partitioning
- calc_partition(y)
Calculate partitioning for a given input sequence of symbols.
- Parameters:
y – Input sequence
- forward(x)
Perform phase synchronization on complex input sequence.
- Parameters:
x – complex input sequence
- Returns:
synchronized symbols sequence