
Module implementing mapping and demapping.

PyTorch implementations of adaptive equalizers.

class mokka.equalizers.adaptive.torch.AEQ_SP(R, sps, lr, taps=None, filter_length=31, block_size=1, no_singularity=False)

Bases: Module

Class to perform CMA equalization for a single polarization signal.

__init__(R, sps, lr, taps=None, filter_length=31, block_size=1, no_singularity=False)

Initialize AEQ_SP.

  • R – average radio/kurtosis of constellation

  • sps – samples per symbol

  • lr – learning rate of adaptive update algorithm

  • taps – Initial equalizer taps

  • filter_length – length of equalizer if not provided as object

  • block_size – number of symbols per update step

  • no_singularity – Not used for the single polarization case


Define the computation performed at every call.

Should be overridden by all subclasses.


Although the recipe for forward pass needs to be defined within this function, one should call the Module instance afterwards instead of this since the former takes care of running the registered hooks while the latter silently ignores them.

class mokka.equalizers.adaptive.torch.CMA(R, sps, lr, butterfly_filter=None, filter_length=31, block_size=1, no_singularity=False, singularity_length=3000)

Bases: Module

Class to perform CMA equalization.

__init__(R, sps, lr, butterfly_filter=None, filter_length=31, block_size=1, no_singularity=False, singularity_length=3000)

Initialize CMA.

  • R – constant modulus radius

  • sps – samples per symbol

  • lr – learning rate

  • butterfly_filter – Optional mokka.equalizers.torch.Butterfly2x2 object

  • filter_length – butterfly filter length (if object is not given)

  • block_size – Number of symbols to process before updating the equalizer taps

  • no_singularity – Initialize the x- and y-polarization to avoid singularity by decoding the signal from the same polarization twice.

  • singularity_length – Delay for initialization with the no_singularity approach

butterfly_filter: Butterfly2x2

Perform CMA equalization on input signal y.


y – input signal y


Return error signal used to adapt equalizer taps.


Reset equalizer and butterfly filters.

mokka.equalizers.adaptive.torch.ELBO_DP(y, q, sps, constellation_symbols, butterfly_filter, p_constellation=None, IQ_separate=False)

Calculate dual-pol. ELBO loss for arbitrary complex constellations.

Instead of splitting into in-phase and quadrature we can just the whole thing. This implements the dual-polarization case.

class mokka.equalizers.adaptive.torch.PilotAEQ_DP(sps, lr, pilot_sequence, pilot_sequence_up, butterfly_filter=None, filter_length=31, method='LMS', block_size=1, adaptive_lr=False, adaptive_scale=0.1, preeq_method=None, preeq_offset=3000, preeq_lradjust=1.0, lmszf_weight=0.5)

Bases: Module

Perform pilot-based adaptive equalization.

This class performs equalization on a dual polarization signal with a known dual polarization pilot sequence. The equalization is performed either with the LMS method, ZF method or a novel LMSZF method which combines the regression vectors of LMS and ZF to improve stability and channel estimation properties.

__init__(sps, lr, pilot_sequence, pilot_sequence_up, butterfly_filter=None, filter_length=31, method='LMS', block_size=1, adaptive_lr=False, adaptive_scale=0.1, preeq_method=None, preeq_offset=3000, preeq_lradjust=1.0, lmszf_weight=0.5)

Initialize PilotAEQ_DP.

  • sps – samples per symbol

  • lr – learning rate to update adaptive equalizer taps

  • pilot_sequence – Known dual polarization pilot sequence

  • pilot_sequence_up – Upsampled dual polarization pilot sequence

  • butterfly_filtermokka.equalizers.torch.Butterfly2x2 object

  • filter_length – If a butterfly_filter argument is not provided the filter length to initialize the butterfly filter.

  • method – adaptive update method for the equalizer filter taps

  • block_size – number of symbols to process before each update step

  • adaptive_lr – Adapt learning rate during simulation

  • preeq_method – Use a different method to perform a first-stage equalization

  • preeq_offset – Length of first-stage equalization

  • preeq_lradjust – Change learning rate by this factor for first-stage equalization

  • lmszf_weight – if LMSZF is used as equalization method the weight between ZF and LMS update algorithms.


Equalize input signal y


y – Complex receive signal y


Reset PilotAEQ_DP object.

class mokka.equalizers.adaptive.torch.PilotAEQ_SP(sps, lr, pilot_sequence, pilot_sequence_up, filter_length=31, method='LMS')

Bases: Module

Perform pilot-based adaptive equalization (QPSK)

__init__(sps, lr, pilot_sequence, pilot_sequence_up, filter_length=31, method='LMS')

Initialize PilotAEQ_SP.

Pilot-based adaptive equalizer for the single polarization case.

  • sps – samples per symbol

  • lr – learning rate of adaptive equalizer update

  • pilot_sequence – known transmit pilot sequence

  • pilot_sequence_up – upsampled known transmit pilot sequence


Equalize a single polarization signal.


y – complex single polarization received signal


Reset PilotAEQ_SP

class mokka.equalizers.adaptive.torch.VAE_LE_DP(num_taps_forward, num_taps_backward, demapper, sps, block_size=200, lr=0.005, requires_q=False, IQ_separate=False, var_from_estimate=False, num_block_train=None)

Bases: Module

Adaptive Equalizer based on the variational autoencoder principle with a linear equalizer.

This code is based on the work presented in [1].

[1] V. Lauinger, F. Buchali, and L. Schmalen, ‘Blind equalization and channel estimation in coherent optical communications using variational autoencoders’, IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, vol. 40, no. 9, pp. 2529–2539, Sep. 2022, doi: 10.1109/JSAC.2022.3191346.

__init__(num_taps_forward, num_taps_backward, demapper, sps, block_size=200, lr=0.005, requires_q=False, IQ_separate=False, var_from_estimate=False, num_block_train=None)

Initialize VAE_LE_DP.

This VAE equalizer is implemented with a butterfly linear equalizer in the forward path and a butterfly linear equalizer in the backward pass. Therefore, it is limited to correct impairments of linear channels.

  • num_taps_forward – number of equalizer taps

  • num_taps_backward – number of channel taps

  • demapper – mokka demapper object to perform complex symbol demapping

  • sps – samples per symbol

  • block_size – number of symbols per block - defines the update rate of the equalizer

  • lr – learning rate for the adam algorithm

  • requires_q – return q-values in forward call

  • IQ_separate – process I and Q separately - requires a demapper which performs demapping on real values and a bit-mapping which is equal on I and Q.

  • var_from_estimate – Update the variance in the demapper from the SNR estimate of the output

  • num_block_train – Number of blocks to train the equalizer before switching to non-training equalization mode (for static channels only)


Peform equalization of input signal y.


y – Complex input signal


Reset VAE_LE_DP object.


Update learning rate of VAE equalizer.


new_lr – new value of learning rate to be set


Update variance of demapper.


new_var – new value of variance to be set

mokka.equalizers.adaptive.torch.update_adaptive(y_hat_sym, pilot_seq, regression_seq, idx, length, sps)

Calculate update signal to be used to update adaptive equalizer taps.

  • y_hat_sym – Estimated receive symbol sequence

  • pilot_seq – Known pilot symbol sequence

  • regression_seq – Regression sequence to be applied to the equalizer taps

  • idx – symbol index to use for calculation of the error signal

  • length – Not used in this function, just for API compatibility reasons

  • sps – Not used in this function, just for API compatibility reasons